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Consultancy firm to prepare and draft identified Subsidiary Regulations and Manuals

Appel d’offre  Zone: Sénégal flag  | Publié par : Dobiza | Ajouté le: 2022-01-26  |  Expire le: 2022-02-10  |  Secteurs : Bureaux Etudes et Recherche Aéronautique et naval Edition
Publié par : Dobiza

EOI - Senegal - consultancy firm to prepare and draft identified Subsidiary Regulations and Manuals

The African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC) has received financing from the African Development Bank toward the cost of the Implementation of SAATM and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this grant to payments under the contract for the Developing and Drafting of Subsidiary Regulations, Manuals and Associated Documents for The Executing Agency/SAATM.


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